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Projects header pixel art

Life is not just programming and maths.
Here you can find all my artsy projects.

Ghost Swan The first game ever. Made in Unity in just few days. It's a simple horror story, where you escape the Ghost Swan. Unlike other games of this type, there are neither roads, nor flashlight.

π The moment when I decided to make a simple, useless game with nothing, but graphics to check whether this is it, what makes a popular game. No it isn't. Helped to get extra points in school fourteenth march though.

Twisted Direction When Unity gave Android Export for free, I had to test it immidiately. The idea was to create simple avoidance game. I failed completely, it has become my biggest game so far. Avaliable also on Samsung Apps. Desktop version

Epikomat Semester Project of Java. It's an MVC machine for interactive text games. Instead of entering commands, we push buttons of Swing. I wish to have time to implement all the functionalities I wanted.

HTML My previous page was making use of HTML5, CSS3 and AJAX in excess. I changed it for functionality. Every website should be functional even in terminal browsers. Go, look at those glorious useless animations.

Magnetuum This is my first real game that was meant to be the game instead of some strange test. In this puzzle thing you create magnetic connections to advance in bizzare voxel world. Build bridges, mechanisms, catapults and roads in order to discover the truth behind this world.

Fifth Octobers Hand-drawn game about travelling time in an interdimensional privy on a quest to save the world from real disasters. A little dark humour and no logic at all. Collect items and use them in different times to solve puzzles.

Quadreversum Whole universum featuring monsters, superpowers, dragons, spaceships, wicked technology and everything anyone could ever imagine. For now contains short stories.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbsolutelyRandomException
at Projects.main(
arq@arch ~/projects$ _